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Late. Laxmibai Deshmukh Shikshan Prasarak Mandal's

Late. Laxmibai Deshmukh Mahila Mahavidyalaya

Arts, Commerce & Science
[Affiliated To Dr. B.A.M.U. Chhatrapati Sambhajinagar]

Principal's Message

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NEWS: Academic Calender_2023_24 View File    ||    NEWS: Roles and Responsibilities of Staff and Institutional Bodies View File    ||    Welcome to Late. Laxmibai Deshmukh Mahilya Mahavidyalaya of Arts, Commerce & Science.

Principal's Message

अन्नदानं परं दानं विद्यादानं अतः परम्। अन्नेन क्षणिका तृप्तिः यावज्जीवं च विद्यया।।9।।

Giving Food To The hungry is a great donation and donation of the knowledge is considered important among all other donations . By food ones hunger is fulfilled and One can survive at that point of time whereas the knowledge attained helps one to survive whole life.

Dear Parents and Students I Extend to you all a very warm Welcome to Late Laxmibai Deshmukh’s Institute Website. The purpose of this web page to provide parents Students and our college Community with easy access to a wealth of Information on our Late. Laxmibai Deshmukh Mahila Mahavidyalaya Programs Policies and Activities. Late Laxmibai Deshmukh Institute is Paradise Place to teach, learn and ameliorate oneself; our Eminent Teaching Staff is committed to high Quality Learning Experience Focused on individual needs of every Student. When educating the minds of our Students we must not forget to educate Hearts.

Knowledge is extolled by everyone, knowledge is considered great everywhere, one can attain everything with the help of knowledge person is person is respected everywhere. Primary Goal of Late Laxmibai Deshmukh Institute is to aid all girl students to achieve their dreams and find Success in pursuing life goals. We are unconditionally committed to providing best possible educational programmes to our students. We believe that education is an effective medium of social transformation we accord prime importance to the behavioral, discipline, moral integrity and cognitive development of students.

The Reputation of this institute is acquired and established over these years is due to dedication and selfless commitment of teaching staff, supporting staff and Students. With the support of College staff and families our students Explore, Express, Excel academically and creatively.

Dr. Vidya Deshpande
Principal-Late. Laxmibai Deshmukh Mahila Mahavidyalaya.
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